Selasa, 24 November 2015

Figthing Myself With Memories

First thing that I want to write is..............

            The memories that I want cherish all of it,
            Had become something that I almost forgotten,
            I don't know that all the memories that I had
            It's very important to keep it up as the most valuable treasure
            What if I loss all of it like I were amnesia
            What should do if all the memories that taste like bitter coffee
            Are being erased along the sweet memories
            Tomorrow is the day for me to figth           
            I have to fight agains myself,
            I have to get rid off my lazy sides
            I have to awake from the beautiful dream and face the reality
            To have  a future that as bright as the sun
            With a good and wonderful memory
            I know that the world would give me a little courage
           So that I would succeed in whatever I do

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Love and Life

There is something I feels in my heart
A very beautiful and deep feeling
When there is someone in my heart
It's so hard to struggle my own's life

How's to be with that person
Eventhough he is my friend's man
I'm totally  a bad person
In the whole my life in this world

I'm such a very desperated person
I'm in love with him
But I want to forget this kind of feeling
I want it lost like the breeze at sea

I want to focus on my studies
I want to be succesful person in the world
And I want to be the best lady ever

Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Our world with Fate

Nothing I can say about the world this day,many had happen to our life.I know all of you must have experience it.Whether it is a family probem or social problem or natural disaster that had taunted our life,we have to face it and rise up like to shine up the world we love,we have to face the reality even if it hurts.Maybe some of us blaming in the fate our did not believe any kind of it.You think the world hate you and you think you are a useless,but actually you were wrong.Every bad thing or good thing that happen to us is actually coming from our own mistake and humankind mistake.We always blaming the others or maybe the worst, we blaming our fate and destiny but we did not always try to blaming ourselves.Have some you thinking about what you have done in your life that makes your live difficult?No,right.Actually everything that happen in our life whether its make us happy or sad,it has its own reason for why it happen.What is the reason?Well,its depend on what kind of situation that you are facing off.You,yourself have to find the reason of it by experience your life and appreciate your very precious time carefully.With that,I know you  can face you life with a smile on your face and you will never ever regret for what had you done and for what had happening in your cheerful life.If you ask me if I believe my own destiny,the answer is yes.I believe in my destiny because it makes my heart always feel at ease.Remember,whatever happen in our life have its own reason.

Sabtu, 13 September 2014

Some of My Composition

Handsomely walking in the hall
With the hot supermodel 
All the girls sream and shout in the nigth
Waiting for yours endless love 
Wearing high heels and dresses
Becoming everyone hearts
All of you are the star of universe
Don't be shame and shine yourself
 Like the shining Sirius star!!

Khamis, 29 Mei 2014

Let it Go

Snow glows white on the mountain tonigth
Not a foot print can be seen
Kingdom of isolation
And looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in,heavn know I try
Don't let them in,don't let them see
Be a good girl you always have to be
Conceal don't feel,don't let them kow
Well, know they know......
Let it go,Let it go
Can hold it anymore
Let it go Let it go
Turn away and slang the door

A little of song lyrics from Frozen,

           I love this song so much as much as the movie too.Bravo and say Daebak to this movie.Congrats Disney.It has many moral value as a loving feeling between a siblings,how to control our fear and teach us a frozen heart is a disaster for us.We must be happy in any kind of situation and we must calm when we doing something or not it will turn into a tragedy.